*We will try the soccer at least one more time post the covid lockdowns. If we can get more than 6 people, we'll continue with the series on a fortnightly basis. If we cannot, then we'll put this on a pause. So make sure to come to this one especially if you're close / into soccer*
This is an invite to the regular soccer socials at Tempe Recreation Reserve happening Sunday 3pm. It is a free casual soccer game, and we welcome people from all levels to play soccer and make friends. Being a game / kickaround with lower numbers (generally between 4 to 10 people), we play on a relatively small pitch which ensures that players will have …
Event Description
*We will try the soccer at least one more time post the covid lockdowns. If we can get more than 6 people, we'll continue with the series on a fortnightly basis. If we cannot, then we'll put this on a pause. So make sure to come to this one especially if you're close / into soccer*
This is an invite to the regular soccer socials at Tempe Recreation Reserve happening Sunday 3pm. It is a free casual soccer game, and we welcome people from all levels to play soccer and make friends. Being a game / kickaround with lower numbers (generally between 4 to 10 people), we play on a relatively small pitch which ensures that players will have …