Wilderness Corps is a U.S. Forest (agency) Partner. Wilderness Corps aligns its policy and rules with that of the agency’s policies and regulations. We follow the guidance of the law because we are not Employees or Temporary Employees of the USFS, only volunteers.
Volunteer Code of Conduct and Rights
Wilderness Corps expects all its volunteers and representatives to adhere to civic-minded principles in their conduct and to exhibit a high degree of personal integrity. Acceptable conduct involves sincere respect for the rights and feelings of others and the assurance their behavior will not harm or be considered discriminatory to other volunteers, employees, or the Forest Service—or cause an unfavorable reaction from the public.
While you are on duty (in-service with a USFS Dispatch Center) and volunteering with Wilderness Corps and or the US Forest Service, you may not:
- Posses or use firearms *except when authorized
- Consume intoxicating beverages possess or use any illegal drugs
- Use Government-owned or Government-leased vehicles, property, tools, equipment, or telephones for personal purposes
- Fight, use derogatory language, or participate in discrimination, sexual harassment, or violent or threatening behavior
- Have pets with you without special permission of **Wilderness Corps Crew Leader
- Violate any State game and fish regulation
- Violate any Federal, State, or local law
- Sell or distribute nonagency products or literature
- Disclose confidential information
Volunteer Rights
You, as a Wilderness Corps or a U.S. Forest Service Volunteer, have rights. These rights include:
- The right to be treated with respect
- The right to a workplace free of harassment
- The right to a workplace free of hostile conditions
- The right to a suitable assignment
- The right to training
- The right to qualified supervision
- The right to safe working conditions
* The Forest Supervisor must authorize firearm carry, in writing with an exception card with restrictions applied, while volunteering.
** Wilderness Corps Crew Leaders can authorize Pets and Stock animals use, on a case by case basis after consulting with the agency representative.
updated 10/2020
About the Group
Wilderness Corps, a non-profit
Lakeshore, CA Founded on Oct 8, 2018 Founded on Meetup in 2013, moved to DownToMeet in 2018
We are Partners with the Sierra & Los Padres National Forests
Outdoor Pro-Link Professional Gear
We are a non-profit and we would appreciate your support.
Volunteering group, Wilderness Stewardship, Community Organization, Public Charity, Explorer Post, Boy Scouts of America