Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs. Saturday, Nov 17, 2018, 6:00 PM PST

2018/2019 OSV Kick-off call

Todd Todd
Oct 27, 2018, 4:46 PM
First Aid and CPR Certificate
I just want to call out that if you're going to participate in the Wilderness Corps Winter Program, we ask that you have a valid First Aid & CPR certificates. If you don't have either of these, there is a Free First Aid and CPR class posted on 11/10/18 for this purpose.

Space is limited as this class is also offered to all the 4x4 clubs who also have their winter programs on the Forest. Their volunteers are also required to have these certifications.​


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About the Group

Wilderness Corps, a non-profit

Wilderness Corps, a non-profit

Lakeshore, CA Founded on Oct 8, 2018 Founded on Meetup in 2013, moved to DownToMeet in 2018

Group keywords

Volunteering group, Wilderness Stewardship, Community Organization, Public Charity​, Explorer Post, Boy Scouts of America