The Saga of the Sweatbox
The Third Imperium was founded 1,110 years ago by its first Emperor Cleon Zhunastu and is a far-flung empire of 281 subsectors. The current Emperor is Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi.
The Imperium is a feudal confederation of 11,000 member worlds who agree to pay taxes and obey a few fundamental laws which the Imperium imposes, known as the High Laws. In return, the Imperium patrols the space between the worlds, protects interstellar trade, encourages travel and commerce, and settles disputes between worlds. Beyond this, individual worlds are left to their own devices.
But the Imperium is not alone in space. To …
Event Description
The Saga of the Sweatbox
The Third Imperium was founded 1,110 years ago by its first Emperor Cleon Zhunastu and is a far-flung empire of 281 subsectors. The current Emperor is Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi.
The Imperium is a feudal confederation of 11,000 member worlds who agree to pay taxes and obey a few fundamental laws which the Imperium imposes, known as the High Laws. In return, the Imperium patrols the space between the worlds, protects interstellar trade, encourages travel and commerce, and settles disputes between worlds. Beyond this, individual worlds are left to their own devices.
But the Imperium is not alone in space. To …
About the Group
