37 Members 1 Upcoming event
Northampton, MA Founded on May 30, 2021

Welcome to our growing community of local vegans, vegetarians, and veg-curious people! We host a variety of events throughout the valley, both social and animal advocacy events. We also work closely with other like-minded groups in the area, including Western MA Animal Rights Advocates (WMARA) and P-NUT at UMass Amherst. We are always open to suggestions for new events, so please feel free to post ideas. I look forward to meeting you at a future event!

Upcoming Events

Mar 20
Thu, Mar 20, 2025, 5:30 PM

Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs. Dinner at Pulse

Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs. Dinner at Pulse

Pulse Cafe 270 Russell Street, Hadley, MA, 01035

Let's have dinner at Pulse! I'm going with an early-ish start time since they close at 7.

Hosted by: Melissa T Organizer

Thu, Mar 20, 2025 5:30 PM

Past Events

Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, 5:00 PM EST

Dinner at Pulse with Plant Based Pioneer Valley

Plant Based Pioneer Valley is hosting dinner at Pulse on January 23. Julie O’Connor is hosting. If you plan to attend, please respond yes by January 20 so that I can give her a head count. Hope to see you there!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Sunday, Nov 17, 2024, 11:00 AM EST

Brunch at Pulse

It's been awhile since we've had brunch at Pulse. Let's meet up!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 6:00 PM EDT

Vegan Pizza at Abandoned Building

Let’s get together for some vegan pizza before Pizza Land closes down for the season! We will likely meet inside, but if it warm and dry enough, perhaps we can meet in the beer garden.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Sep 14, 2024, 1:00 PM EDT

Lunch at Wild Chestnut Cafe

It's been awhile since we've been to Wild Chestnut. Let's gather for lunch!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Friday, Jul 26, 2024, 6:00 PM EDT

Vegan Potluck

Come enjoy a vegan potluck on Shelly's new deck in Easthampton!  Bring a vegan dish that serves six, BYOB. Very chill environment!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Jun 22, 2024, 12:00 PM EDT

Lunch at Vegan Pizza Land Coffee Counter

Vegan Pizza Land recently opened a coffee counter that also sells lunch (not pizza). They recently opened on Saturdays until 1:30. There isn’t any seating, so hopefully the weather will be good and we can eat in the park nearby. If it rains, we can find a spot in the mill to eat. I recommend parking at Eastworks and walking one building over. It’s right on the bike path, so we could also walk after lunch if the weather cooperates.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, May 16, 2024, 6:00 PM EDT

Dinner at Vegan Pizza Land (at Abandoned Building Brewery)

Vegan Pizza Land is back for the season at Abandoned Building Brewery! If the weather is nice, we can sit outside in the beer garden. If not, there’s plenty of seating inside. Hope to see you there!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Apr 25, 2024, 5:00 PM EDT

Dinner at Jen’s Organics

I've been wanting to try this new vegan restaurant! They're only open M-F, 11-7, so I need to do a weeknight. I also need to give them a headcount, so please only RSVP for you definitely plan to attend. Hope to see you there!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Sunday, Mar 17, 2024, 11:00 AM EDT

Brunch at Pulse

It's been awhile since we've been to Pulse. Join me for brunch if you can!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Feb 10, 2024, 1:00 PM EST

Lunch at Wild Chestnut

I’m not going to lie, I’ve been in hibernation mode since the holidays! But I think I’m ready to host an event. Join me for lunch if you can!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Oct 21, 2023, 1:00 PM EDT

Lunch at Wild Chestnut

This will be my last scheduled Meetup for a bit. I hope you can join me for lunch!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Sunday, Sep 17, 2023, 11:00 AM EDT

Brunch at Pulse

It’s been awhile since we’ve gone to Pulse. Let’s enjoy their Sunday brunch! If the weather forecast is good, I’ll try to reserve a table outside. Please respond yes only if you definitely plan to attend so that I can give them an accurate count.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Aug 31, 2023, 6:00 PM EDT

Vegan Potluck - Rescheduled

Let's try again for a potluck on Shelly's deck! Please bring a vegan dish that can feed 4-6 people. BYOB if you so choose!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Aug 17, 2023, 6:00 PM EDT

Canceled Vegan Potluck

Let's gather on Shelly's beautiful deck (or indoors if it rains) and enjoy some vegan food! Please bring a vegan dish that can feed about six people to share. BYOB.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Jul 22, 2023, 1:00 PM EDT

Lunch at Wild Chestnut Cafe

I had to skip June due to my busy schedule, but the Saturday lunch at Wild Chestnut is back for July! I hope you can join us. 😊
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Jul 6, 2023, 6:00 PM EDT

Vegan Potluck

Shelly Greenstein is hosting a vegan potluck at her house! Unfortunately, I will be at Summerfest and won't be able to make it. But I hope that others can! Stop by at 6:00 or later for a laid back evening on the deck overlooking her gardens. Bring a vegan dish to share than can feed six or so people. BYOB if you so choose!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Jun 22, 2023, 6:00 PM EDT

Vegan Pizza at Abandoned Building Brewery

I do not have any free Saturdays in June, so I’m switching things up! Vegan Pizza Land is now serving vegan pizza every Thursday-Sunday in the Abandoned Building beer garden. Their pizza is delicious, as is everything else they serve, and there’s lots of seating in the beer garden if it’s a nice night (or inside the brewery if not). Join us for some pizza, and perhaps a beer if you so choose!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, May 20, 2023, 1:00 PM EDT

Lunch at Wild Chestnut Cafe

Join us for our monthly lunch meetup! I’m away the second Saturday of May, so I’m pushing it back to the third Saturday instead. Hope to see you there!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Apr 8, 2023, 1:00 PM EDT

Lunch at Wild Chestnut Cafe

Join us for our next monthly lunch at Wild Chestnut! Please note the start time of 1:00. Hope to see you there!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Mar 18, 2023, 1:00 PM EDT

Lunch at Wild Chestnut and music at Drawing Board Brewing

We are going to deviate from the second Saturday of the month in March. Sheryl found out that Drawing Board Brewing, which is right next door, will have a live band at 4:00 on March 18 performing Irish music in honor of St. Patty’s Day. So she thought it would be fun (and I agree) to head over there after lunch. No pressure to do both, but Drawing Board is another great Florence business to support. They have non-alcoholic drinks for those who do not want beer.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Feb 11, 2023, 1:00 PM EST

Lunch at Wild Chestnut Cafe

Last week’s lunch went so well, we have decided to make it a monthly event! So be on the lookout for second Saturday lunches at Wild Chestnut. We will start an hour later this time to try and avoid some of the lunch rush. Hope to see you there!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Jan 14, 2023, 12:00 PM EST

Lunch at Wild Chestnut Cafe

I’ve been on social hiatus for the past few months (life has been busy!), but I’m more than ready to hold a social event. Join me for lunch on Saturday, January 14. Hope to see you there!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Sunday, Sep 25, 2022, 11:00 AM EDT

Brunch at Wild Chestnut Cafe

It's been awhile since we've met at Wild Chestnut - let's have brunch together! They have added some items to their menu, including a breakfast sandwich. Plus, they always have delicious specials! Please only RSVP yes if you definitely plan to attend. 
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Aug 20, 2022, 12:30 PM EDT

Lunch at All of Us Natural Foods

There’s a new vegan restaurant in South Deerfield, let’s check it out! If we are a small group (less than ten), we can sit outside (weather permitting). If there are more than ten of us, they can accommodate us inside. I need to give a headcount a few days in advance, so please give a definite yes by Wednesday, August 17. Here’s a link to their website: https://allofusnaturalfoods.square.site/
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Jul 14, 2022, 5:30 PM EDT

Vegan Pizza Land at Wild Chestnut Cafe

Vegan Pizza Land, the delicious vegan pizza pop-up, will be at Wild Chestnut Cafe next Thursday! Let’s support them and the cafe. Pizza starts at 5; I plan to arrive by 5:30. Stop by any time; they usually serve until 8 or whenever they run out of pizza.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Saturday, Jun 25, 2022, 1:00 PM EDT

Lunch at The Humble Peach

Let’s have lunch at the area’s newest vegan restaurant! There is no indoor seating, so this will be an outdoor event with a rain date of June 26. There are two small tables outside, so if we are a small enough group, we can eat there. If we are a larger group, or the tables are unavailable, we can take our lunch to go and eat in one of the parks in downtown Amherst. Bring a blanket or chair to sit on.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Jun 16, 2022, 6:00 PM EDT

Vegan Pizza at Abandoned Building Brewery

The vegan pop-up Vegan Pizza Land will be at Abandoned Building on June 16. Let’s try some vegan pizza and a beer, if you so choose. They have non-alcoholic beverages as well. I believe there will be a live band too. This will be an indoor event. Here is a link to the pizza pop-up: http://veganpizzaland.com/
And a link to Abandoned Building: https://www.abandonedbuildingbrewery.com/
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Sunday, Apr 24, 2022, 11:00 AM EDT

Brunch at Pulse

Let's meet for Pulse's delicious vegan brunch! I will try to reserve the large table near the door, though if the weather is nice, maybe we can move outdoors. I'll keep an eye on the forecast. Afterward, if the weather allows, we can take a walk on the rail trail if people are interested.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Thursday, Dec 16, 2021, 5:30 PM EST

Dinner at Pulse

It’s been awhile - let’s have dinner together! This will be an indoor event. I am hoping to keep the group at about ten people or so. Please only RSVP “yes” if you definitely plan to attend. I am picking a start time of 5:30 because the restaurant closes at 7. If you can’t make it quite that early, feel free to join us when you can. I’ll try to reserve the large table just to the left of the main doors.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Sunday, Oct 17, 2021, 11:00 AM EDT

Canceled Reservoir walk and possible lunch

Let's enjoy fall with a walk around the Whiting Street Reservoir! Park on Mountain Park Road; we will meet at the entrance to the reservoir before the road curves to go up the mountain. After our walk, we can get some lunch if people are up for it/feel comfortable eating out. If the weather allows, we can go somewhere with outdoor seating. We will be near Easthampton, Northampton, and Holyoke, so we will have many options. If you'd like to just join us for a walk, that's fine too!
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Friday, Sep 10, 2021, 4:00 PM EDT

Franklin County Fair Protests

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Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Sunday, Aug 15, 2021, 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM EDT

Outdoor Vegan Block Party

This event is sponsored by Vegfest413. This is an outdoor event, and masks are required. I believe they are limiting attendees as well. I am posting this as informational, not a specific meetup. I will be helping Sheryl at the WMARA table at the beginning of the event if you'd like to stop by and say hello. Sheryl will be there all day. Visit vegfest413.com for more details.
Public eventAnyone who has access to the group can see the event, description, location, comments, photos, and RSVPs.

Wednesday, Aug 11, 2021, 5:30 PM EDT

Outdoor Dinner at Pulse

I was away for most of July, but I'm back in town now and would love to get together with people! Let's meet for dinner outdoors at Pulse. I will plan to keep this event outside unless there is very inclement weather. Pulse closes at 7, so I'm going to plan a rather early start time of 5:30. Hopefully that works okay for those who have to work that day. If you can't get there until a little later, no worries! Please keep your RSVP updated so I can ask Pulse to reserve the right size table(s). Hope to see you next week!
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NancyZ RSVP'd Yes for Dinner at Pulse

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Melissa T RSVP'd Yes for Dinner at Pulse

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Melissa T created new event Dinner at Pulse

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Larry K. RSVP'd Yes for Brunch at Pulse

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NancyZ RSVP'd Yes for Brunch at Pulse

RSVP, 4 months ago

About the Group

The Valley Vegan and Vegetarian Group

The Valley Vegan and Vegetarian Group

Northampton, MA Founded on May 30, 2021

Group Organizers