We are currently reading: Software Architecture: The Hard Parts
by Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani
We'll be reading from Chapters 12 section "State Management and Eventual Consistency" up to Chapter 15 (not including 15) (locations 7976 to 9015).
Meeting link: https://bbb-greenlite.catalyst-au.net/gha-t7p-tun-fub
Event Description
We are currently reading: Software Architecture: The Hard Parts
by Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani
We'll be reading from Chapters 12 section "State Management and Eventual Consistency" up to Chapter 15 (not including 15) (locations 7976 to 9015).
Meeting link: https://bbb-greenlite.catalyst-au.net/gha-t7p-tun-fub
About the Group

Sydney Software Engineering Book Club
Sydney, Australia Founded on Nov 19, 2018
Sydney Australia