Our badminton session on 2 August 2021 is for adults, 8:15pm to 9:30pm, at the Academy of Sport & Wellbeing, Perth College UHI. Three courts will be available.
To attend one of our adult badminton sessions, you must book a place using this site. If you book a place and are then unable to attend, please update your RSVP as soon as possible to allow others to attend. If the event is full, you can add yourself to the wait-list and if a place becomes available, it will be allocated to whoever is top of the wait-list.
The cost for this session is £3 per participant. Please pay at the session with card. We prefer card payments to …
Event Description
Our badminton session on 2 August 2021 is for adults, 8:15pm to 9:30pm, at the Academy of Sport & Wellbeing, Perth College UHI. Three courts will be available.
To attend one of our adult badminton sessions, you must book a place using this site. If you book a place and are then unable to attend, please update your RSVP as soon as possible to allow others to attend. If the event is full, you can add yourself to the wait-list and if a place becomes available, it will be allocated to whoever is top of the wait-list.
The cost for this session is £3 per participant. Please pay at the session with card. We prefer card payments to …