I shall be at Gleebooks Cafe from 645pm Thursday November 21 if anyone wants to chat about the book club. Gleebooks cafe is all the way through Gleebooks until you can go no further. Gleebooks 49 Glebe Point Road Glebe. We will start at 7pm. Bring your wit, sense of social propriety and what you want to discuss about these novels. We will also discuss choices for future novels.
Event Description
I shall be at Gleebooks Cafe from 645pm Thursday November 21 if anyone wants to chat about the book club. Gleebooks cafe is all the way through Gleebooks until you can go no further. Gleebooks 49 Glebe Point Road Glebe. We will start at 7pm. Bring your wit, sense of social propriety and what you want to discuss about these novels. We will also discuss choices for future novels.
About the Group

Glebe and Inner West Book Club
Sydney, Australia Founded on Oct 14, 2024 Glebe and Inner West Book Club, Meet Up
Chat, Thursday night, Novels, Genre, Books, Conversation