Retired, active photographer, who also is a member of the Brighton and Hove Camera club (BHCC).
My favourite photographer never took a photograph: John Constable, I grew up with a print of his Hay Wain on the lounge wall.
I take photographs of the countryside when I can, but living in Hove street scenes are a handy subject.
I am a fan of Olympus Micro Four Thirds cameras, I find Olympus Micro Four Thirds cameras fun to use and are vary well built, but small and light to carry around.
I don't like the idea of having to rent Photoshop, Affinity is a match for Photoshop, but developed later and so it is more friendly, for exaample there is no need for Smart Layers, you have the option to use Live Filters in the same way that you apply like adjustments or as distuctive, non re-adjustable. filters.