We are currently reading: Software Architecture: The Hard Parts
by Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani
We'll be reading Chapter 11 and part of 12 - up to but not including "State Management and Eventual Consistency" (locations 6972 to 7976).
Meeting link: https://bbb-greenlite.catalyst-au.net/gha-t7p-tun-fub
Event Description
We are currently reading: Software Architecture: The Hard Parts
by Neal Ford, Mark Richards, Pramod Sadalage, Zhamak Dehghani
We'll be reading Chapter 11 and part of 12 - up to but not including "State Management and Eventual Consistency" (locations 6972 to 7976).
Meeting link: https://bbb-greenlite.catalyst-au.net/gha-t7p-tun-fub
About the Group

Sydney Software Engineering Book Club
Sydney, Australia Founded on Nov 19, 2018
Sydney Australia