Our warm weather weekly tennis events have ended.
We need to set up times and locations for a weekly cold weather tennis schedule.
Please tell us where and when you want to play. Singles? Doubles? Practice? Morning? Afternoon? Night? Weekday? Weekend? Womens? Mixed? Beginner? Advanced?
This group was created for the west side of the valley. However, some members are also on the east side and far north of the valley. So, we will set up events anywhere in the valley.
Default host for events is pseudo-member TENNIS (who never attends). Attendance is better, however, when, instead, a real-person volunteers to be the weekly designated host for an event. DTM software automatically marks the host as "I'm Going" each week. So, any host needs to change RSVP to "Not Going" on weeks when he/she cannot attend.
We have several DTM event organizers. Please create yout own weekly or one-time events that work better for your local areas. We can help.
We welcome all those who have joined our group, but, we really need your suggestions. For events, try to balance the most convenient times and places with how likely you can get courts at that time or location once you arrive.
Yes, we're still a new and small group and we don't have the search advantage of Meetup for growing the group. However, we also don't have the expense and restrictive one-size-fits-all Meetup rules. So, It is mostly up to you to help your group grow and increase participation.
Have you told someone about our tennis group? Have you attended our events or made suggestions for new ones? Have you volunteered to become an event organizer?
We're all here to have fun playing tennis. Help us with your feedback, your participation and by spreading the word to your friends and other potential tennis players.
About the Group
Las Vegas, Tennis, Meetup, Summerlin, Nevada, hiking, Southern Nevada, 1-dot.com, Bob Carroll, tennis balls. Las Vegas tennis, Henderson tennis, Las Vegas tennis courts, Tennis 702